Caution: This site is no longer maintained and will cease shortly

After almost twenty years of activities in the sector, Agroenergia arrived at the terminus. Many things have changed and many phases have closed. We thank all those who have helped us and collaborated with us, With the wish to continue the work. We have tried to do our part.

Articles and discussions

Solid digestate as a soil conditioner: benefits over compost and bokashi

Re-publication of an article by Mario A. Rosato on Agronotizie. There is no doubt that the drought that is tormenting our country is one of the many consequences of climate change. It is not easy to obtain firm evidence on press complaints, but on the other hand, it is also not difficult to believe that territorial mismanagement leads to more …

An English village becomes self-sufficient thanks to biogas

Re-publication of an article by Mario A. Rosato on Agronotizie Burocrazia and Nimby at Italian levels, but perhaps with clearer regulations. The political debate of the last month has focused on the consequences for the Italian economy of the international embargo on Russian gas. Despite the guidelines contained in the communication of the Ce REPowerEU and the Spanish example of rapid and pragmatic …

Biogas and independence from Russian gas: Spain will beat Italy on time?

Re-publication of an article by Mario A. Rosato on Agronotizie. The Spanish Council of Ministers approves the Guidelines to encourage biogas in record time. Last 22 March the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the Guidelines on the Development of the Biogas Sector (full text in Spanish on this page). A draft of the same had been subjected to public consultation …

Who we are

AdMil is a company dedicated to services for renewable energy in agriculture and related technologies, active for over 30 years. Services, offering under the Agroenergia registered trademark, they include training and knowledge dissemination events, feasibility studies, strategic analyzes. AdMil also participates in research projects concerning the development of new technologies, at the service of agroenergy. It has its operational headquarters in Tortona (AL).

During the years, AdMil has organized events in the environmental field and, from 2007, in collaboration with EnergEtica – North West Italy Agroenergetic District, gave birth to Mostra Convegno Agroenergia, a reference point for the innovative renewable energy sector produced in agriculture. Agroenergy courses and seminars are systematically organized throughout Italy, with a growing commitment to development in the Central South areas.

Job opportunities

The bioenergy sector, of the environment and waste is very dynamic and there are many interesting job opportunities in the field of plant management, the development of projects and other initiatives.

Here you can report both offers and job applications.

For more details, you can write to us at the following address:



Federica Baleotti Zanelli

+39 347 3217050