Improve sustainability in the diets of agricultural biogas plants

Improve sustainability in the diets of agricultural biogas plants
Webinar, Tuesday 25 January 2022, ore 15:00

The next decree on biomethane, of which the first drafts have already been circulated, it will be aimed in particular at the conversion of existing biogas plants. Most of these, while using livestock manure to some extent, it obtains the preponderant part of gas production with the use of corn and biomass from the first crop.
Since the conditions of the PNRR , to which the decree on biomethane is linked, prescribe very high values of sustainability, that is, the reduction of CO2 emissions compared to the equivalent fossil source, the feasibility of the conversion of a biogas cogeneration plant to biomethane will depend on a series of interventions. The most important of these will be a radical modification of the feeding diet, with a massive use of livestock manure and / or agri-food waste and by-products.
Sustainability will also refer to the net energy production of methane, therefore, the most energy-efficient production technologies will be rewarded.
This webinar offers a reasoning on what the concrete application of these requirements will entail to existing biogas plants, examining a number of diets of typical diets, able to achieve 80% emission reduction targets, as required for insertion into the grid without specific destination and to access the incentive tariffs of the new decree.
- Enrico Camelin, Monviso Agroenergia Consortium: Sustainability values of biomethane and UNI TS calculation methodologies 11567
- Andrea Chiabrando, Monviso Agroenergia Consortium: Examples of typical diets and their economic feasibility, in relation to the size of the plant
- Questions and answers
The registration fee for this event is 50 €, VAT included. (payment information here)
Participation is free, upon registration by 20 January 2022, for the members of the Monviso Agroenergia Consortium.