Our 12 years old biogas/biomethane yearly conference, one of the key national events for the Italian biogas industry, one of the world’s most advanced, will include for the first time our new event, Biogas Window, which will be looking at the biogas developments on a world scale.
Focused on global biogas projects and covering best practices, in the use of feedstocks from farming by-products to organic waste and water treatment sludges, Biogas Window will be exploring new projects from across the world and connecting experiences from advanced markets to those in nascent ones.
Biogas Window will be on air (in English) on 3rd March 2021, 14:00-17:00 hrs CET, to accomodate for both Asian and American time zones.
The main theme will be:
Biogas Support Schemes and Emission Reduction Policies: Outlook, Lessons Learnt and Best Practices
The Indian government’s initiative to launch in 2018 SATAT (Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation) aims at installing 5000 biogas plants by 2025, bringing India to the top tier at world level in anaerobic digestion.
Biogas Window will be held in partnership with the Indian Biogas Association, along with other biogas associations. We believe that the exchange of best practices across the globe can only strengthen the role of biogas among the other renewable energy sources and forward the concepts of circular economy in a global effort against Climate Change.
This partnership will also include our support to IBA’s initiative, in cooperation with Fachverband Biogas, Virtual Bio-Energy Pavilion, taking place on 18th and 19th February 2021.
Biogas Window is a free event, but prior registration is required. Please register here
Recorded session:
Presentations from biogas associations:
Product and solutions presentations:
Ugo Moretti, TPI – Tecnoproject Industriale