WEBINAR (ON LINE SEMINAR), 30 JUNE 2021, ORE 15:00-17:30
Hydrogen is now regularly at the center of public attention, as a way to reduce emissions, especially in transport. However, it is often not considered that hydrogen is not an energy source, but only a vector, and it is a renewable and available source, only to the extent that it is produced from renewable sources, at sustainable costs.
However, the hydrogen economy is already developing and the costs of related technologies are progressively falling, while there are beginning to be Italian application experiences.
This webinar aims to present the state of the art in hydrogen and the developments that may affect other sectors of renewable energy, including that of agroenergy. The Power to Gas alternative will also be explored, that is, the possibility of producing methane by introducing hydrogen into a biodigester. Both routes involve the gas network, which in the coming years will see major investments in its transformation to be able to transport hydrogen as well.
The webinar will be structured as follows:

Piero Mattirolo – Moderator

Luigi Mazzocchi – Biological methanation and application of hydrogen technologies. The opportunities of PNRR.
- Power to Gas technology
- Terms of purchase of electricity: PPA or network accumulation
- Biological methanation
- Other hydrogen production technologies

Davide Remondini – Snam's role in the hydrogen supply chain. First experiences in mixing natural gas and hydrogen
- Snam for hydrogen
- Local networks and applications
- Mobility with hydrogen
- Industrial applications

Francesca Salusti – Applications in the production of hydrogen from renewable sources
- Strengths technology
- Customer types
- Applications
- Perspectives

Diana of Rosmini – McPhy's Green Hydrogen Products and Applications
- Strengths technology
- Customer types
- Applications and Power to Gas
- Perspectives
Questions and answers
The registration fee for this seminar is 95€, VAT included.
For organizational reasons, places are limited.
Payment information is automatically sent upon registration, but they may be found here