Starting with the Webinar (Hydrogen and Power to Gas), we have introduced some important news on our site and related events.
In our consolidated experience in webinars and virtual events, we realized that one of the most important elements of an event, beyond its contents, it is the possibility of networking, that is to meet and exchange views with other participants or speakers.
Although the web conferencing platforms we have adopted always allow for the possibility of “to see” the other participants, we have found that this possibility is little used today. This is probably due to the fact that during a conference the attention is absorbed by what happens on the screen and when the conference is interrupted, it is difficult to regain contact with the others present.
To mitigate this problem and favor those interrelationships between professionals, which are one of the main reasons for going to an event “in presence”, we have integrated functions on our site that until now are not offered by videoconferencing platforms.
For those registered for one of our events of this type, it will be possible, once registration for the event is confirmed, view other subscribers and communicate with them, before and after the event in the following ways:
- Chat, as an alternative to the video conference chat
- E-mail, by sending an email to the address of the selected participant
- WhatsApp, by sending a WhatsApp message with the selected participant
- Business card, by transmitting their data to the selected participant (taken from the registration form)