Webinar: Circular Agriculture


Faced with the problems of climate change, sustainability and efficient use of resources, Circular Agriculture is a set of tools and practices to face the challenge of a potential aggravation of environmental constraints and commitments, using the most advanced technologies to optimize inputs, in a targeted way on the specific characteristics of each plot.

Circularity is not limited to crops, but also to advanced forms of animal husbandry, able to recover waste from food chains to produce proteins and feed more efficiently. The integration of these new innovative practices with other traditional agricultural activities makes it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of the system.

Among the many applications of artificial intelligence and machine-learning in the agricultural world, there is also the possibility of forecasting trends in commodity demand, identify the best time to sell, on the basis of algorithms connected in real time with databases of agricultural markets.

This webinar will allow you to learn about the most advanced tools to optimize and automate the crops and all the activities of the farm, as well as to integrate modules for the breeding of insects.

The webinar is aimed primarily at farms and agronomists, interested in a redevelopment of the company towards Circular Agriculture.

This webinar will be so complex:

Michele Mellano, Italian Consortium for Circular Agriculture:

The PNRR and Circular Agriculture

Matteo Vanotti, xFarm:

Integrated management of Precision Agriculture

Marco Jorio, eVISO:

Artificial Intelligence at the service of agriculture

Giuseppe Tresso, BEF Biosystems:

Automated and sustainable breeding of insects for protein meal

Questions & Answers

The webinar has a registration fee of 95 €, VAT included.


Subscribers will receive the participation link a few days before the start of the webinar.

For organizational reasons, places are limited.

Payment information is automatically sent upon registration, but they may be found here