Webinar: Accelerating the start-up of biogas plants

Webinar: Accelerating the start-up of biogas plants
Speaker: Mario Rosato
Date and time: Thursday 4th November 2021, 15:00-18:00 CET (held in English)
Scope: The start-up of a biogas plant is usually a costly transient-state process. Heating the digester to the minimum temperature that ensures a steady-state methane flow requires large quantities of fossil fuels. The plant’s productivity during the heating period is usually null. The participants will learn the techniques to simulate the transient state in the lab and shorten the start-up of the digestion process, saving money and reaching maximum productivity in the shortest time.
Who should attend: biogas plant owners and operators, consultants, engineers and constructors.
- The traditional approach to biogas plant start-up and the Italian norm UNI 10457:2010.
- Traditional methods vs Advanced Methods
- Rational programming of the start-up.
- Selection of the inoculum among the locally available sources: measuring the SMA.
- Programming the logistics of the inoculum and feedstock.
- Situation: the digester needs to be nearly full before the start.
- Situation: the digester can start before being full.
- “Selected bacteria” and trace elements: are they worth their cost?
- Calculating the temperature rise of the digester.
- Dynamic method.
- Static method.
- Result: the digester’s loading table.
- Dynamic lab simulation (continuous and semi-continuous CSRT reactors).
- Static lab simulation (batch tests and numerical approximation).
- Examples and conclusions.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Mario A. Rosato, author of “Managing Biogas Plants – A Practical Guide” (CRC Press, 2017), has a wide ranging experience in anaerobic digestion, with a specific experience in plant diagnostics and process control. As a biogas expert, he actively participated in the working group that created the new UNI 11703:2018 standard for biomethane potential assessment (BMP).

The registration fee for this webinar is 95€
Registered attendees will receive the webinar invitation code in advance. Places are limited; registration closes on Friday 29th October 2021
Payment details are sent with registration, but can be found here too.
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